12 Types Of Birth Control Explained

When you hear birth control, you might only think about avoiding pregnancies, but birth control prescribed by your gynae in Verulam delivers many different and important benefits. These benefits include less painful and more reliable menstruation, clearer skin, lowered risk of some cancers and greater personal empowerment.

Here are the most common options:

Barrier Birth Control

A male condom is the most popular barrier option. It is a thin latex wrapper that fits tightly over the penis. It captures sperm and prevents its progress into your uterus. Condoms also stop the spread of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).

Nowadays, there is also a female condom available, which is a thin, plastic pouch partially inserted into the vagina before sex starts. It has the same function as the male condom.

Another barrier method is the contraceptive sponge. You insert this small medical, sterilised sponge into your vagina in front of the cervix. The cervix is the “doorway” to your uterus (womb). The sponge is a physical barrier and a chemical barrier as it contains spermicide, which kills sperm.

Spermicide is also available without a sponge. You insert this foam, jelly, cream, suppository or film deep into the vagina, as close as possible to the uterus. You can combine it with a diaphragm or cervical cap (see next point).

A diaphragm and cervical cap are also physical barriers. Like spermicide, they are placed deep in the vagina, as close as possible to the cervix to prevent sperm from swimming through the cervix. They are made more effective when combined with spermicide. Get the correct size prescribed by your gynae in Verulam to ensure max comfort and effectiveness.

Hormonal Birth Control

Most of society has heard of the pill. This falls into the category of oral contraceptives. It is a tablet that is taken every day, at the same time and, depending on your female health needs. It will contain either progestin or both progestin and estrogen.

Another hormone birth control method is to use a contraceptive patch that you wear on your skin (anywhere on your body). Your skin is an organ that will actively absorb hormones from the patch, which then absorb into the passing bloodstream. It is changed weekly.

While not a barrier method, there is a vaginal ring that can be inserted deep into the vagina, which slowly releases hormones into your bloodstream over 3 weeks. It is removed for one week (the 4th week) and then a new one is inserted.

If you prefer a more “hassle-free” option, then you might like the injection option. A hormone injection can be done once a quarter in your gynae’s office.

Another highly convenient methodology is the hormone implant. One thin rod is inserted under your upper arm skin by your gynae and it can last up to 4 years.

Non-Hormonal, Non-Barrier Birth Control

You might have heard of an IUD (Intrauterine device). This clever, tiny gadget (usually copper) is T-shaped and is inserted into your uterus by your gynae. It releases copper into the uterus, which affects the cervical mucus and hinders the journey of sperm. It can last up to ten years. There is a hormone and a copper version.

A vasectomy is a male option that prevents sperm from being released into the uterus. It is an outpatient surgical procedure that snips the tubes to the gonads.


There are many other methods of contraception in addition to the ones listed above that are highly subject to your female health needs and your lifestyle.

Be in control of your body and pregnancies. Talk to your gynae in Verulam today for the most suitable option for you.
