When you visit Dr L Augustine & Dr N Parikh Specialist Obstetricians and Gynaecologists you will find real support on your lifelong journey from childbearing age to menopause. Our aim is to deliver affordable, accessible and professional obstetric and gynaecological services and make sure that you are cared for in the highest measure, our methods established on evidence-based medicine.

You will be in the safe and caring hands of our team who are sensitive to your individual needs and concerns, and who will work with you to make sure you are happy as well as healthy by prioritizing building a trusting relationship with you through discussion and consultation.
Years of Experience
With many years of training and experience under our belt, you can feel assured that they have acquired the necessary knowledge, competence and skills in order to know what is best for your obstetric and gynaecological needs. Read more about their training and experience in Dr Augustine and Dr Parikh’s profiles’ below.
Our practice boasts advanced diagnostic equipment in a warm and comfortable environment, to complement the holistic wellness approach that we aim to achieve for you to ensure that you can feel at ease and relaxed, while knowing that we are fully equipped to assist you and your needs.

When you visit Dr L Augustine & Dr N Parikh Specialist Obstetricians and Gynaecologists you will find real support on your lifelong journey from childbearing age to menopause. Our aim is to deliver affordable, accessible and professional obstetric and gynaecological services and make sure that you are cared for in the highest measure, our methods established on evidence-based medicine.
You will be in the safe and caring hands of our team who are sensitive to your individual needs and concerns, and who will work with you to make sure you are happy as well as healthy by prioritizing building a trusting relationship with you through discussion and consultation.
Years of Experience
With many years of training and experience under our belt, you can feel assured that they have acquired the necessary knowledge, competence and skills in order to know what is best for your obstetric and gynaecological needs. Read more about their training and experience in Dr Augustine and Dr Parikh’s profiles’ below.
Our practice boasts advanced diagnostic equipment in a warm and comfortable environment, to complement the holistic wellness approach that we aim to achieve for you to ensure that you can feel at ease and relaxed, while knowing that we are fully equipped to assist you and your needs.
Both Dr L Augustine and Dr N Parikh’s surgical skills were refined during their tenure as Specialist obstetricians and gynaecologists at Stanger Hospital. Their mutual skills attained will empower them to perform safe laparoscopic procedures, based on recognized clinical indications. As long-term friends and business partners with mutual ideals and goals for the practice, you can feel assured that you are in the best hands to receive the best care and support.
“I enjoy spending quality time with my family. In this field of work, I have realised that having a family is a privilege, which is why I am so passionate about this practice. I would love to have others share in the joy of having a family, just as I do with mine.”
Dr Leon Augustine is a qualified Specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist who trained in the High-Risk Obstetric unit at Inkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital and will capitalize on this experience gained to provide optimal care to high-risk obstetric patients.
He has successfully completed a Diploma in Laparoscopic Surgery as well as a Diploma in Minimally Invasive Gynaecology and Surgery (MIGS) through the European Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy.
Passionate about low cost infertility treatment, he completed a Diploma in Assisted Reproductive Techniques which was hosted by the World Laparoscopic Hospital in India. He has completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management as well as an MBA degree and served as the Medical Manager at Catherine Booth and Benedictine Hospitals.
“I enjoy spending quality time with my family. In this field of work, I have realised that having a family is a privilege, which is why I am so passionate about this practice. I would love to have others share in the joy of having a family, just as I do with mine.”
Dr Leon Augustine is a qualified Specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist who trained in the High-Risk Obstetric unit at Inkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital and will capitalize on this experience gained to provide optimal care to high-risk obstetric patients.
He has successfully completed a Diploma in Laparoscopic Surgery as well as a Diploma in Minimally Invasive Gynaecology and Surgery (MIGS) through the European Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy.
Passionate about low cost infertility treatment, he completed a Diploma in Assisted Reproductive Techniques which was hosted by the World Laparoscopic Hospital in India. He has completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management as well as an MBA degree and served as the Medical Manager at Catherine Booth and Benedictine Hospitals.
“Family is everything to me. The fact that I can help people start their families and guide them through the beginning stages of that brings great joy into my life.”
Dr Nitesh Parikh is a qualified Specialist Obstetrician & Gynaecologist who spent time training at the Pelvic Floor Unit at lnkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital who brings to the partnership a special interest in Menopause and Laparoscopic Surgery.
He successfully completed a Diploma in Laparoscopic Surgery as well as a Diploma in Minimally Invasive Gynaecology Surgery (MIGS) through the European Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy.
Passionate about low-cost infertility treatment, he completed a diploma in Assisted Reproductive Techniques which was hosted by the World Laparoscopic Hospital in India, alongside Dr Leon Augustine.