Frequently asked questions

When should I have my first gynaecological exam?

Your first exam should take start when you are around 21 years old (or sooner if you are sexually active) and should be done annually.

Will my medical aid cover everything?

It depends on your specific medical aid. It is best to register your pregnancy with your medical aid and enquire about what they will cover.

When should I get my first mammogram?

Woman around the age of 40 years and older should have a mammogram every 1 or 2 years.

How do I know I am pregnant?

If you have missed your period, take a home pregnancy test or book an appointment with us to find out for sure if you are pregnant. You may also experience morning sickness, having breast changes/pain, fatigue or light-headedness.

Will I know if I have a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)?

No, not necessarily. Many STI’s may have mild or no symptoms and can be transmitted without knowing. The only way to know for sure is to get tested.

Why is Antenatal Care important?

Basic Antenatal Care is your right as a pregnant woman. Pregnancy is a crucial time to promote healthy behaviours and parenting skills because a healthy and happy mom, means a well-developed, healthy and happy baby.

Which birth control/contraception method is best?

Each contraception method has its pros and cons. It is best to learn about the different methods during an appointment with us where you can decide which suits you best.

Can I have a pap smear if I am on my period?

You should try and schedule your annual exam for when you are not on your period. However, you can have a pap smear on your period as long as the flow is not heavy.

How should I prepare for Labour?

Women in various stages of pregnancy should opt to partake in childbirth classes, this can be beneficial in order to prepare not only yourself but also your partner for what can be expected when the time comes.

What prenatal tests are available to ensure a healthy pregnancy?

The vast majority of babies develop normally and healthily, however, each pregnancy carries a small risk to the fetus. We offer prenatal screening and diagnostic tests which will provide you with valuable information for the management of your pregnancy. It is important to realise that no test or combination of tests are full proof, however.

What is menopause?

Menopause is a natural condition which all women experience as they age. The term menopause describes the changes a woman goes through either just before or after she stops menstruating, marking the end of her reproductive period. Menopause happens when the ovaries no longer release an egg every month.

How do you know if you have Gestational Diabetes?

Any women is at risk of developing Gestational Diabetes, however, if you check off any of the following conditions you are at increased risk of developing Gestational Diabetes. If you are overweight, have a family history of diabetes, insulin resistant, and/or have high blood pressure. Elder women (moms) are also at increased increased risk.