2 Things To Discuss With Your Gynaecologist Specialist

Something that patients should keep in mind – your gynaecologist specialist has seen and heard it all. It is extremely difficult to shock these guys as they have more than likely dealt, seen or heard far worse in their career. We understand that in the world of human bodies, more specifically the sexual and reproductive health sector, it can be hard to identify what is considered normal and what deserves medical attention. We also understand that due to the sensitive nature of these subjects, it may be hard to trust and be completely honest with your gynaecologist.  

However, for the sake of your health, it is important to be honest and open with your gynae, no matter how embarrassed you may feel. There are things that you may not feel comfortable sharing but some of these symptoms can lead to serious medical issues if not treated. To avoid this, we have come up with a list of the most important things that should be discussed during your visit to the gynaecologist.

1. Tell Your Gynaecologist About Any Sexual Discomfort

As open as we are with sexuality in modern times, modern women still struggle to open up about their personal sexual experiences especially to their gynaecologist specialist as, as much as they may be on an intimate level with you due to the nature and invasiveness of their job, let’s be honest – you don’t truly know them that well. 

If you are experiencing intense and unbearable sexual discomfort, you should bring it up with your doctor. Your gynaecologist will be able to give you practical advice to alleviate your symptoms such as lubricants and/or new sexual positions if the cause is proven not to be medical. 

The biggest concern with not sharing your discomfort is that it could be an indication of more serious issues such as cysts on your ovaries. So, avoiding this conversation with your doctor is not the best decision for you and your health. 

2. Discuss Your Sexual History With Your Gynaecologist

Your sexual history plays a major role in the condition of your sexual and reproductive health. You could even consider this the most important factor in indicating and treating any sexual or reproductive disease and disorders. You need to hold onto to the fact that your gynaecologist specialist’s job is to help you and ensure that you are always in the prime of your sexual and reproductive health. 

To be able to determine things such as risk factors for cervical dysplasia and HPV infection, and diagnose potential ramifications of past STD’s, you need to be completely open and honest about your sexual history. This allows your gynae to better understand your body and how to more accurately treat it.

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To book a consultation with one of our compassionate and professional gynaecologist specialists, contact us today! Our doctors are non-judgemental, professional medical care professionals who are dedicated to their patients and our practice.