When And Why Do You Call Your Obstetrician in Pinetown?

Obstetricians provide specialised medical care, predominantly during pregnancy and birth. Here, we will go over what precisely an Obstetrician in Pinetown does and the conditions that they treat.

What Can Your Obstetrician In Pinetown Do For You?

An obstetrician is a physician who holds specialist qualifications in childbirth. That’s not all; they provide antenatal and postnatal care. Your obstetrician can manage high-risk or complicated pregnancies and births. They can perform interventions and caesareans when needed. Many obstetricians have additionally trained in gynaecology (women’s reproductive health).

Common Conditions Your Pinetown Obstetrician Can Treat

You would usually visit your obstetrician to receive prenatal care. The first appointment is generally around eight weeks since your last menstrual period. After that, you will have a standing appointment each month for the duration of your pregnancy.

Obstetricians also treat:

  • Sepsis – a life-threatening infection
  • Obstetrical haemorrhage
  • Prolapsed cord or when the umbilical cord is trapped during delivery
  • Uterine rupture
  • shoulder dystocia, or when a baby’s shoulders get stuck during childbirth
  • Placental abruption or when the placenta detaches from the uterus
  • Preeclampsia – characterised by high blood pressure
  • Foetal distress
  • Ectopic pregnancy

What Procedures Do Obstetricians Perform?

The surgeries and other types of procedures performed may differ from those that your gynaecologist might do. Apart from routine appointments, labour and delivery services, obstetricians also perform the following:

  • Vaginal delivery
  • Episiotomy (or a cut at the opening of the vagina to aid in vaginal delivery)
  • Caesarean delivery
  • Curettage and dilation
  • Circumcision
  • Vacuum and forceps deliveries
  • Cervical cerclage

Your obstetrician would be there for the delivery, vaginal or otherwise and any relating procedures will be performed by them as well. Should you request it, your doctor will be able to circumcise the baby once it’s born.

When Should You Visit An Obstetrician?

It’s time to book your appointment with the obstetrician if you are pregnant or thinking of getting pregnant. This is when you will receive prenatal care and assistance in planning for your pregnancy.

We hope that this has been helpful to you and that you know more about what to expect if you are ever referred to an obstetrician in Pinetown. If you know that visiting an obstetrician will benefit you, book an appointment with us today.