An overactive bladder is a medical condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterised by a sudden urge to urinate and frequent urination, which can significantly disrupt daily life. However, your specialised gynaecological services provider in Durban can suggest several techniques to help manage an overactive bladder, including bladder training.
Read on for a step-by-step approach that you can take to train your bladder to hold urine for more extended periods, increase the bladder’s capacity, reduce trips to the bathroom and improve your quality of life.
Step 1: Regularly Scheduled Toilet Trips
Track your toilet trips for a few days, and then choose a fixed schedule for emptying your bladder, regardless of whether or not you feel the urge to urinate. For example, you might start by emptying your bladder every hour and then gradually increase the time between trips to the toilet.
Step 2: Delaying Your Bathroom Visits
If the urge to go comes before your scheduled time, try and delay the bathroom visit by reminding yourself that your bladder is not full. This technique helps to gradually increase the bladder’s capacity to hold urine as it learns to wait longer before emptying.
Step 3: Increasing the Interval
Gradually increase your scheduled interval by 15 minutes at a time over the next few weeks and months, and you will find that you can eventually wait much longer between toilet trips.
Handy Tips to Help Retrain Your Bladder
In addition to these steps, here are some further handy tips to help you along the way:
- Pelvic floor exercises involve contracting and relaxing the muscles that control the bladder. These exercises will help to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which can support bladder control and reduce the frequency of urination.
- Manage your fluid intake, as drinking too much (especially caffeinated, high energy and fizzy drinks, alcohol and citrus juices) can irritate your bladder. Instead, consume drinks like water, fruit teas and diluted fruit juices in moderate amounts.
- Visit your gynae to discuss other factors that could worsen your situation, such as diuretic medications and lifestyle choices.
Overall, with time and patience, it is possible to retrain your bladder to hold urine for longer periods, reduce the number of trips to the toilet, and improve your overall quality of life.
Contact us for further assistance, advice, and specialised gynaecological services in Durban. We can guide you on the best strategies and treatment options for your individual needs and help you manage the symptoms of an overactive bladder effectively.